Careers in Motion
The award-winning Springboard Women's Development Programme and its brother, the Navigator Men's Development Programme, have been specifically designed for people generally in non-management grades to:
- Realistically assess their current situation
- Decide on the next steps for their personal and work development
- Equip them with the positive attitude and skills to take these steps
- Accept responsibility fro their own development
The programme format
Springboard and Navigator are unusually effective training programmes as they
combine self-paced learning with a specifically researched workbook, support networks,
role models and one-day workshops. All spread over a 3 month period.
Over 160,000 copies of the workbook have been used by participants on
programmes in 18 countries and been translated into many different languages
and formats, including braille.
The Springboard Women's Development Programme is an award winning personal and career development programme which runs in 27 countries and has more than 600 organisations. There are over 180 000 participants worldwide who sing Springboard's praises!
- Well researched programme combining self-paced learning with a specifically researched workbook and four one day workshops spread over 10-12 weeks.
- Covers comprehensively a wide range of topics all in one go under under one roof: From self assessment, long and short term goal setting, communication and networking skills to promoting a positive image, stress management, work/life integration to confidence building.
- The programme is open to all women but specifically designed for women in non-management positions where the bulk of women are working.
- Run by an experienced, licensed Trainer who facilitates the training as well as the entire set up process with the clients.
- Participants are supported by a network of trained helpers.
- The programme is very cost effective.
- Over a decade research has been compiled to substantiate the long and short tern benefits of Springboard.

- Are more resourceful
- Have increased confidence
- Set clearer goals
- Communicate better
- Have increased personal motivation
- Accept responsibilities more
- Have Higher retention rates
- Attract valuable staff
- Decrease tension in the workplace
- Improved motivation, creativity, productivity and initiative
- Resource untapped potential
We can back up our claims by research that has been conducted over a period of 18 years to show that our track record of success is tested and proven!